Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the

Albrighton & District Civic Society

held on Monday 7th June 2021 at 2pm

at Harp Pub Garden


Present :        

Peter Woodman – Chairman

Rod Smith – Secretary

Ron Kidson

Roger Rudman

Phyl Woodman


1. Apologies received from Gaynor Richards, Peter Illes, Mike Pitchford and David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC).

. David Thomas is arranging a new Cllr as the ex-officio member from Boningale PC.


2. Minutes of Meeting of 10th May 2021 were approved


3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP on holiday but advised that the current bank balance is £1632.57 plus some cash subs waiting to be banked


4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues


a) East of Shaw Lane development. - No news


b) Field Development (behind the south end of Shaw Lane). Await development or receipt of a planning application.


The committee again felt that the Civic Society should request to be a consultee for all planning applications in our district ie Albrighton, Boningale, Donington-with-Boscobel and Tong).

ACTION: PW will write to SC Planners with a request to receive applications for all four parishes.


c)  Whiteacres Development – PW reported the SC planner had said that a revised Planning Application had been made and will soon be issued.


d) Flower/Garden Competition. It was decided that the judges will tour all four villages to find well presented gardens/window boxes/hanging baskets ensuring that they include those who sent in formal entrance forms. ACTION: RS will make a leaflet which the judges can put in letterboxes to advise the owner (who had not sent in an entry form) that their garden/flowers were looking very nice and that the judges will shortly be round to view them. After that the judges will put a note in the letterboxes of the winners to say they had been chosen for an award and asking them to get in touch to provide their names and phone nos/emails and to say that the awards will be made at the AGM on 11 October.


f)  School Awards Scheme. All three schools have now agreed the topic (St Mary’s Church)


5. Matters arising

a). Possible Street Market. RR said he had discussed the idea with most of the local traders/shops and the majority were in favour. RR suggested a monthly market on a Saturday from say 9am to 4pm mostly on the village green. RS suggested that there would be a significant amount of organising of the events and also in clearing up afterwards and the traders/shop owners should be closely involved to make it as self sustaining as possible. It was felt that we needed the traders to come on board (but they had previously closed the Albrighton Traders Association and subsequently had not responded to attempts to revive it). It was therefore agreed that a brief Note explaining the possible start of a Street Market would be drafted and RR would take this round and ask traders to sign up to them supporting, in principle, the start of such a market. It was felt that this would show how much support there is likely to be. ACTION: RS to make the first draft for finalisation by the committee


b) Friends of the Albrighton Swimming Pool (FASP) ie the Lottery. PW confirmed that FASP will organise a stall to try to increase the number of people in the Lottery – this would have musical entertainments, perhaps 30 minute sets by different groups/bands/singers. This would be set up on the green opposite the Crown in the summer. ADCS and the Swimming Club were invited to also have a stall to collect subscriptions. ACTION: PW to advise FASP’s proposals soon.

[Post Meeting Note: The preferred date seems to be Saturday 17th July – the date that the Fayre would have been held]


6. AOB.   




Next  meeting:  2pm. Mon 5th July 2021.



Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 2nd August  2021 – will a meeting be held in August?



Note for your Diary

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 11th October 2021        

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October